One powerful technique in Zoho Creator is to have a custom action that you can trigger on multiple records by ticking the checkboxes and then unleashing the custom action. I had a client ask me to do the same thing in Zoho CRM, i.e. I couldn't figure out how to do this initially as the docs only mention how to do it with one record at a time but after a bit of debugging and support from the CRM team, I discovered the solution. When multiple records are selected, the IDs get sent as a pipe delimited string: Knowing that, it's simple to write a corresponding custom function. You just have to turn the string into an array of IDs with this code IdsList = input.IdsStr.toList("|||"); Here's a sample function the Zoho team gave me: string custombutton.SendMassEmail(string IdsStr) { IdsList = input.IdsStr.toList("|||"); for each IdStr in IdsList { operationsDetails = zoho.crm.getRecordById("CustomModule1", IdStr.toLong());